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NESSA’S NOTIONS: We think we can; ergo, ego


I call it the ego paradox.

Let’s be honest. Anyone who is trying to accomplish something big must have an ego on some level. And that especially includes those of us pursuing doctorate degrees.

I struggle with this at times when contemplating my purpose in pursuing this goal. I don’t consider myself an egomaniac and I don’t believe many people perceive me that way, either (except maybe my daughters).

However, the same ego that’s necessary to pursue a doctorate is the same one that’s repeatedly bruised and beaten.

Therein lies the paradox. It takes an ego to pursue big dreams and major life goals, but it also takes a willingness to release your self-pride so you can endure the process and reach the destination.

Consider what you’re pursuing and what part of your ego needs to be released in order to get there. Learning something new or doing something for the first time takes self-belief. But this “ego” has to be broken enough to accept help while exercising patience, discipline, perseverance, tenacity, grit, and faith.

How much ego is too much? Who’s to say?

Too much will cause you to overstate and overdo. Example: I will complete (insert your goal here) by 5 p.m. on the first of next month. Too little will get you nowhere. Example: I will never complete (insert your goal here) because (insert negative, self-doubting words here),

See the enigma?

So, I conclude most of us have an ego. And that’s not a bad thing if you accept that sometimes it’s hurt or broken. If it’s strong enough, you’ll get back up and keep trying after you’re knocked down.

Let’s face it: You won’t accomplish much in life without some ego.

But too much will mess you up.


(A former journalist currently working on her doctorate in Social Emotional Learning, Vanessa is a dedicated and passionate educator in the DC Public Schools system. She loves learning, leadership, innovation, collaboration, and discovering new ways to drive student gains and support staff members).

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