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No Happy Valley Until Whole Place Purged

The President and the Coach


If Penn State coach Joe Paterno and Penn State president Graham Spanier are employed as you begin reading this column, they shouldn’t be by the time you’re finished. For anyone who disagrees, I suggest some additional reading material  — the 23-page indictment against former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky.

Finding the document isn’t hard, though getting through it without your skin crawling and your blood boiling is impossible. Eight victims are listed, and undoubtedly there are more. A potential ninth victim, a man now in his 20s, came forward over the weekend.

Not that we need further reports to conclude that Sandusky is a monster who was enabled by Paterno, Spanier and two former school officials who have been charged with perjury and failure to report suspected sexual abuse.

Victim 2 and Victim 8 are enough to seal the deal.

They should be the impetus for a new era at Penn State, starting with a new football coach and school president. The current office-holders should have resigned by now, on principle alone if common decency wasn’t enough.

From Page 21, detailing alleged events involving Victim 8: “In the fall of 2000, a janitor named James “Jim” Calhoun observed Sandusky in the showers of the Lasch Building with a young boy pinned up against the wall, performing oral sex on the boy. He immediately made known to other janitorial staff what he had witnessed.”

From Page 6, detailing alleged events from March 1, 2002: “As the graduate assistant put the sneakers in his locker, he looked into the shower. He was a naked boy, Victim 2, whose age he estimated to be ten years old, with his hands up against the wall, being subjected to anal intercourse by a naked Sandusky.”

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