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The Sequel Decision: When To Start?


To start or not to start.

If you’re a writer, you might know what it feels like when your characters are calling your name. On the other hand, if you haven’t thoroughly promoted your first book, what’s the point in moving to the next one?

I’m torn, but leaning toward starting the next writing project. There will be naysayers and doubters who’ll point out that the first book hasn’t been “worked” yet. But a writer writes, and that’s true no matter how many books you’ve sold or how much publicity you’ve gotten.

In a perfect world, some publisher would beg you to produce that next book.  But in the real world, independent writers must be self-motivated and focused. We have to keep it moving and not give up.

Besides, the beauty of the second book is the opportunity it gives you to correct errors from the first one.  I’ve learned so much already as I reflect on “The Second First Lady,” and I can’t wait to do better in writing the sequel.

First-time authors have plenty of resources to help them overcome common mistakes, and lots of information on writing a book that actually sells. I believe that continuing to write is part of the hustle as we strive to improve and produce the work we imagine.

Producer/actor/writer Robert Townsend visited my school recently. He said it’s important for artists to become accustomed to hearing “No,” and keep persisting anyway. He talked about going the extra mile and making yourself stand out above the rest.

Perhaps writing that second book is the way to persist, against all odds.

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